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A member registered Jan 07, 2016

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Was trying to restore a DB and found that using the “Restore Database from file in New Project” button doesn’t actually work. It creates a new project for you but then fails to populate it. If you then choose to restore the DB into the existing project it works properly.

Great, thanks for the input! Love your work, looking forward to all the stuff you’re currently cooking up.

Thanks for the response!

For 2, that’s totally fair. For a non-mission based game, do you think health/energy potions + a “rest when safe” mechanic would feel balanced? Or in your testing have you found keeping it super scarce (e.g. very limited pit stops for restoration) is the best?

My group tends to err toward “low lethality” so I’m not super concerned about people not dying, more just want to make sure I don’t go so far the other way that the resources are essentially meaningless.

Hey, first off excellent work on LUMEN, I love the concepts presented here! I just have a couple of things I’d like clarified:

  1. On the GMs turn, you describe using the enemies’ moves as a means of not just relying on poor rolls from the player (I know LUMEN 2.0 is moving away from dice but I’ll likely be sticking with them, so bear with me). Can the GM only use one of the listed moves, or is simply making an attack valid as well?
  2. You don’t mention restoring Health or Energy outside of combat so I’m just curious what your intent was on this. With LUMEN clearly being inspired by video games, I’ve been thinking of taking the approach the game Chained Echoes does where you start each combat fully restored. So battles are always balanced around max resources.

To be honest I’m not entirely using LUMEN as intended since I won’t be doing a full gameplay loop (I run more narrative heavy games), but I love the rules so much I’m determined to make it work. :D

Hey thanks for adding support! Minor thing but it looks like you may have forgotten to include it in the list of defaults (e.g. Project Settings -> Scripting -> Default Properties Editor Language) so maybe you can throw that into a future version? :)

Hey thanks for the info! I’ve got basically everything working, I just have one follow up question: how to find a given actor’s info in the Director from a Dialogue? In the export, the actor seems to just be the name supplied between the colons. However, it’s theoretically possible for there to be multiple actors with the same name, so just doing a naive name match on actors in the Director data seems wrong. How is this mapping meant to occur without the ID supplied to the Dialogue for the line’s corresponding actor?

Hello, I’m trying to integrate dialogue nodes into my engine and I’m wondering what the intended workflow is for this. A dialogue node once exported has the graph property which defines ports and links, are these meant to be how the flow is integrated or is this purely for the GUI? Mostly just wanted to pick your brain and understand your intentions so I can write my code better. :)

Great, thank you for the quick reply! Enjoying using your app so far, I had been looking for a good way to manage multiple parts of my data in one place and this seems perfect. :)

When trying to use the Auto Detect Actors button, an error is thrown blocking the rest of the operation. The error is as follows:

TypeError: Failed to execute 'readAsArrayBuffer' on 'FileReader': parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob'.
    at index.js:1023:10
    at be (index.js:1047:3)
    at f (index.js:1088:7)
    at _e (index.js:1093:3)
    at index.js:4531:3
    at Nt (index.js:4558:5)
    at index.js:4590:9
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at index.js:4571:12
    at er (index.js:5064:3)

Placing a breakpoint there, it seems blob is an unresolved Promise here.

I’m on Linux using the AppImage version, although I tried the same thing on Windows and also received the error there.

Hello, I personally use TOML in my projects so I was wondering if you could also add TOML support to the editors (e.g. in addition to hjson/json)? Not sure how you have everything set up but it seems to be a node/electron application under the hood so hopefully it wouldn’t be too much to add a TOML library in as well.